Friday, November 7, 2014

7 November 2014

So, I know I haven't posted in quite a while.  Since school has started, I've had even less time to take and edit photos!  But I figured something is better than nothing so I decided to post some of my old shots, taken at most 3 years ago.  These are the shots I am currently most proud of, besides my nightscape photos!  Excuse some of the watermarks, they're from when I was trying to figure out a label.  I hope you enjoy them and stay tuned for more from my adventures over the weekend!

Friday, June 6, 2014

6 June 2014; Nightscape Photography

I took these pictures up at Bogus Basin around 12 am to 2:30 am on the 6th of June, 2014.  I took over 100 pictures but unfortunately, most were blurry.  Focusing on things you can't see proved to be more difficult than I thought it would be.  Luckily enough however, I got four good shots.  The panorama took forever to put together and I am so proud of it.  Its total size is 216 inches by 67 inches.  I hope you enjoy my first attempts at nightscape photography! There will be more attempts in the future, so stay tuned!